Took the kids to see the new Disney movie "Up!" at The Sayville Movie Theater on Railroad Avenue in Sayville No The Bayport Bubble does not have it's own movie theater. The Sayville Movies is a great cinema - sort of an old fashioned mom and pop run theater. If you see the first showing of day of any movie it is $5 a ticket - a great bargain! A small popcorn is $3.25 - which is less then those big chain movie theaters.
Now onto "Up!". It was rated G, but I would have rated it PG-13. It was an entertaining movie with a good storyline and a happy ending. But to get to that happy ending - it was a bit much for little kids. I went with a 4, 5 and 6 year old. They were covering their eyes a lot and got scared. Usually with these animated movies there is some adult humor put in to entertain the big people watching it. "Up!" dealt with some adult subjects that made many of the big people in the theater shed a tear. It went over the kid's heads, but I still thought it was a bit much for a "G" rated movie - miscarriage, death, abandonment. I am really not a freaky overprotective mom and I do talk about death with my kids, but I left this movie feeling a bit melancholy. Two out of three kids like this movie.
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Memorial Day Parade In Bayport

Here some photos I took at the Memorial Day Parade in Bayport - on Memorial Day. It was a great parade and a beautiful day. Bayport Fire Department was giving out little flags for the kids to wave as the marchers went by. Then there was a ceremony in the park. Another fine day in the Bayport Bubble!
Warm Pear Salad
Here's a recipe for Warm Pear Salad I made last week for a party. My friend asked me to email it to her. So since I typed it out for her I am cutting and pasting to The Golden Lily to share with The Bayport Bubble!
Spring Greens
Warm Pear Salad
* Spring Greens (I use most of the Costco box - depending on how many people)
* Real crumbled blue cheese
* 2 Pears (I use the ones I call black pears - any pears work)
* Walnuts
* Olive Oil
* White Wine (any wine works)
~ Peel and core pears. Slice pears in half and place in sauce pan. Cover pears with white wine and cook under low flame till pears get soft.
~ When pears are done take out of wine and chop.
~ Then add in this order to large salad bowl or you can do individual salad bowls.
Spring Greens
Blue Cheese
Chopped Walnuts
Pears - it tastes best if they are still warm
Drizzle with olive oil and some of the wine from the pears
Party Food,
Warm Pear Salad,
Friday, May 29, 2009
High On Zumba!
I just took my last Zumba class. It makes me feel so great! Now that it's summer - it is harder for me to go to class on Friday nights, so I am going to take the summer off. But Bobbi Ann is holding a Zumba class at Corey Beach on Saturday mornings. I cannot imagine doing in Zumba in the sand. Here's the info - Corey Beach 11:30-12:30. Session starts May 30 - June 20 $30.00 for a four week session. Call 631-363-5194 to register.
I just took my last Zumba class. It makes me feel so great! Now that it's summer - it is harder for me to go to class on Friday nights, so I am going to take the summer off. But Bobbi Ann is holding a Zumba class at Corey Beach on Saturday mornings. I cannot imagine doing in Zumba in the sand. Here's the info - Corey Beach 11:30-12:30. Session starts May 30 - June 20 $30.00 for a four week session. Call 631-363-5194 to register.
Blue Point,
Corey Beach,
Exercise Class,
Long Island Zumba,
Count Me In
A Census taker rang my doorbell today. A nice looking older man in a yellow Census polo shirt with an id badge and a small computer attached to his wrist. He told me he was part of The Census Bureau and needed to verify my address - which he did. I thought it was strange cause it says my address right on my door. Then he asked if I had any apartments in my house with people living it - I don't. He handed me a sheet of paper from The Census Bureau and punched some stuff into his wrist computer and went on his way to the next house. Look out Bayport Bubble - we are being counted! I find the whole process of taking The Census very interesting.
Census Bureau,
Taking Census,
The Bayport Bubble
Sweet Free Stuff!
My fellow blogger - November Sunflower told me about a great web site - SweetFreeStuff.Com
November Sunflower has tons of info about saving money, coupons and free stuff on Long Island, but my favorite tip is this site.
I signed up with Sweet Free Stuff for their daily email. And once a day I get one email from them with hyper-links of free offers. I click on whatever offer looks good to me. The company that is offering the free sample will ask you for your name, mailing address and email. I do not mind giving this info out. Most of the sites say they do not sell your info to others. For my name - I give them my maiden name. I have a few email accounts, so I don't give them my main account. If any ask for a phone number - I give out my husband's business line.
Today I got my first free sample in the mail! Exciting!!! I have to say I have not gotten any extra spam emails or telemarketer calls either. When the free samples come they usually have coupons attached. Like the old saying says "If it's free - it's for me!"
Check out November Sunflower's Blog for more money saving tips at
November Sunflower has tons of info about saving money, coupons and free stuff on Long Island, but my favorite tip is this site.
I signed up with Sweet Free Stuff for their daily email. And once a day I get one email from them with hyper-links of free offers. I click on whatever offer looks good to me. The company that is offering the free sample will ask you for your name, mailing address and email. I do not mind giving this info out. Most of the sites say they do not sell your info to others. For my name - I give them my maiden name. I have a few email accounts, so I don't give them my main account. If any ask for a phone number - I give out my husband's business line.
Today I got my first free sample in the mail! Exciting!!! I have to say I have not gotten any extra spam emails or telemarketer calls either. When the free samples come they usually have coupons attached. Like the old saying says "If it's free - it's for me!"
Check out November Sunflower's Blog for more money saving tips at
Swimming With St. Joe

Since Bayport is on the water, we have a boat and go the beach a lot. That is the reason I believe in swimming lessons for the kids. Last year we took swimming lessons at The YMCA in Holtsville. YMCA lessons were good, but to take lessons there you have to pay for a membership and that gets expensive.
I found out that St. Joesph's College in Patchogue gives swimming lessons and we signed up. The cost at St. Joesph's College is $95 for seven 45 minute lessons. They have six levels of swimming lessons for children ages 5-13. My son is in the beginner class - there are six kids and two instructors. Parents can watch through partially closed blinds. They also spend some time in the classroom going over water safety. So far - so good. I like this program and will be signing up again.
For more info on St. Joseph's swimming lessons call 631-687-1244 or
Friday, May 22, 2009
It's In The Mail!
It came in the mail today! A package from NYIP! It is not my lessons, but the free stuff I got for signing up with them. It was a big, heavy box with five photography books. "Neil Leifer: Portraits" - a big hard cover coffee table book with all the famous people Neil Leifer photographed. "Ansel Adams and the Photographers of the American West" - another big hard cover 250 paged coffee table book. "On Assignment Photographs by Jay Maisel" - a smaller paperback book with photos from this photographer. I guess these three books will give me some inspiration.
The next two books look really useful. "2008 Photographer's Market" - where and how to sell your photographs. It lists 1,450 places that will buy your photos and is a thick paperback book. Cannot wait to start to read this book. And the last book is a small paperback called "The Photojournalist's Guide To Making Money". This is a smaller paperback book - 240 pages, but cannot wait to flip through it.
Where are my lessons? I want to start!
The next two books look really useful. "2008 Photographer's Market" - where and how to sell your photographs. It lists 1,450 places that will buy your photos and is a thick paperback book. Cannot wait to start to read this book. And the last book is a small paperback called "The Photojournalist's Guide To Making Money". This is a smaller paperback book - 240 pages, but cannot wait to flip through it.
Where are my lessons? I want to start!
Sunny Day At Smith's Point

Took the kids to Smith's Point to kick off the Memorial Day 6 day weekend! Here's a little secret - Smith's Point Park does not charge for parking after Labor Day till Memorial Day. Parking is now $12.50!!! I remember back in the days when it was $6. We went on the last day before they started charging. If you get a Green Key Card from Suffolk County they only charge you $5 for parking. One more Smith's Point tip - if you get there before 6am - you do not have to pay for parking either.
At Smith's Point is FINS - Fire Island National Seashore. There is a Ranger Station and a nature walk. Went with the kids on the Nature Walk, then sat by the ocean for awhile. Another tip for Smith's Point is to park all the way on the west side of the parking lot and follow the crosswalk towards the ranger station. Then follow the boardwalk to the ocean or take the nature walk which ends at the ocean. This is the "Surfer Beach". There is a lot of beach here and a lot less teeny boppers. The beach in front of the pavilion is smaller due to erosion. They brought sand in to replace what got washed out to sea, but the sand is more like dirt. Plus all the teeny boppers hang up there.
For family fun - go to the west end of Smith's Point. The kids will also get a kick going over the drawbridge to get to Smith's Point. There is also a snack bar, bathrooms and The TWA Flight 800 Memorial.
Smith's Point's web site is
FINS web site is
Check both these sites out because they hold events and classes. Most of them are free too - you just pay for parking.
Bumble Blossoms
I went to a baby shower last week and they served the most delicious dessert. It is called Chudleigh's Bumble Blossoms and they got them at Costco. They are these pastries that are just yummy! The crust is great and it has apples, blueberries, blackberries and raspberries. These little treats are individually wrapped and you bake them in the oven. You do not even need whipped cream cause they are just sweet by themselves. Look for them in the frozen dessert section in Costco in Holbrook.
Bumble Blossoms,
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Rumor Has It........
I was just in Marshalls in Patchogue - The Bayport Bubble does not have everything and I must venture out sometimes. But I found out in The Gateway Mall the old Linens and Things is going to be a Home Goods Store! Very exciting because the closest Home Goods store is in Stony Brook - way out of The Bayport Bubble. It should be opened by November - just in time for Christmas. I'll keep you posted!
Gateway Mall,
Home Goods,
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Go Home Early Before A Six Day Weekend
Bayport Bubble People - don't forget tomorrow is the "Go Home Early Drill". I find it funny - the kids get let out of school early the day before they have six days off for Memorial Day Weekend. The drill is from New York State to prepare children for an emergency dismissal. I guess it's a good idea? How much of a problem is it for the school to tell the children that they are going home early? The kids will be so excited they get to leave school early - the building will be excavated in two minutes!
Bayport-Blue Point School,
Early Drill,
Monday, May 18, 2009
I Got It!
I received some mail today from New York Institute of Photography - guess they cashed my check. They gave me the lowdown on the lessons and my first unit is in the mail - on it's way to me. It will include a DVD and CD plus assignments. There are a total of six units with about six lessons in each unit. I also have my very own instructor - Chris Corradino. He seems to have excellent photography credentials. He is available to me via phone, email, fax and mail. Chris will be critiquing my photos via audio CDs. I hope this is all as good as it seems because I want to brush up on my photography skills. I have been very actively practicing photography, but the last class I took was in college about 15 years ago. There are also a bunch of lessons on starting a photography business. But I am still going to Google Chris Corradino to see what he is all about.
Are Banana Chips Healthy?
I just got done eating half a bag of banana chips. Do you think they are healthy for you? They are very good - so that is why I don't think they are any good for you. =)
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Kids That Kick!
I signed my kids up this week for Karate at Shaolin Self Defense Center in The Bayport Bubble. My son has been bugging me for awhile to do Karate and I saw they were running a special. It's a good deal - $99 for six weeks of classes. There are two classes a week and you pick which two you can attend out of a choice of five. It's real convenient. And the $99 includes their uniform and some other things - like a Shaolin chip clip and a big bumper sticker that I am afraid will end up on my dinning room wallpaper! You also get a 15 min. free one on one training session.
Everyone there is so beyond nice. And I cannot tell you how cute my kids looked in their Karate outfits! My kids LOVED it - even my daughter - she does not like much. She told me that she wanted to do it, but when we got there she said "NO". The Sensei took my son for the private lesson and told my daughter she could watch from the back of the room. Next thing I know she is up front doing the lesson too. The Sensei then said it was time for class and off she went. She liked it so much that she slept with her white Karate belt around her pajamas.
After the first free lesson and class, I wanted to sign up, but I did not have my checkbook. Sensei Ray gave me the uniforms and forms to fill out. He told me that I could pay at the next class. I left with two new Karate uniforms and took a class - all without paying. That impressed me. I went the next day with my payment and brought along my kids with in their new Karate uniforms and smiles! Shaolin is located on the corner of Oakwood Avenue and Montauk Highway - 472-6940. If no one answers - leave a message - they call you back.
Everyone there is so beyond nice. And I cannot tell you how cute my kids looked in their Karate outfits! My kids LOVED it - even my daughter - she does not like much. She told me that she wanted to do it, but when we got there she said "NO". The Sensei took my son for the private lesson and told my daughter she could watch from the back of the room. Next thing I know she is up front doing the lesson too. The Sensei then said it was time for class and off she went. She liked it so much that she slept with her white Karate belt around her pajamas.
After the first free lesson and class, I wanted to sign up, but I did not have my checkbook. Sensei Ray gave me the uniforms and forms to fill out. He told me that I could pay at the next class. I left with two new Karate uniforms and took a class - all without paying. That impressed me. I went the next day with my payment and brought along my kids with in their new Karate uniforms and smiles! Shaolin is located on the corner of Oakwood Avenue and Montauk Highway - 472-6940. If no one answers - leave a message - they call you back.
Bayport Bubble,
Sensei Ray,
Shaolin Self Defense Center
Friday, May 15, 2009
My Once A Year Haircut
Last week I finally got my haircut. For some reason there never seems to be enough time for me to actually do stuff like that. The place in The Bayport Bubble that has always done my hair is Jams on Blue Point Avenue in Blue Point - right next to the Elementary School. Mrs. Montessi (Pat) has cut my hair since I was around 7 and before she open her salon with her husband Monti. Besides the one time in college when my roommate cut my hair - she has been the only one to do my hair.
Mrs. Montessi gives the best haircuts! She went through all my crazy hairdos in my teen years. Even now when I get my haircut by her I get so many complements. Jams is a nice, friendly and professional hair salon in Blue Point. Many hair salons have come and gone in The Bayport Bubble, but Jams styles on! I hope forever cause I don't know who can cut my hair. Their number is 363-6644.
Mrs. Montessi gives the best haircuts! She went through all my crazy hairdos in my teen years. Even now when I get my haircut by her I get so many complements. Jams is a nice, friendly and professional hair salon in Blue Point. Many hair salons have come and gone in The Bayport Bubble, but Jams styles on! I hope forever cause I don't know who can cut my hair. Their number is 363-6644.
Blue Point,
Hair Cut,
Pat Montessi,
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Boris The Barber Is The Best

My son has been getting regular haircuts since he was 5 months old - he could have probably used one the day he was born. We have always gone to those coupon places in Bayport next to 7-11, but going there is like - well playing Russian Roulette. Sometimes he gets a great haircut and sometimes I think I can do a better job. So yesterday we went to Boris The Barber on Main Street in Sayville (Sayville is included in The Bayport Bubble when needed). They gave my son a really good haircut and even had lollipops at the end.
The haircut itself did take a bit longer, but it was a good haircut. And it was $2 more then the $8 I usually pay at the coupon salons, but again it was a quality haircut. Boris The Barber is on Main Street in Sayville on the north side - two stores away from Relax The Back. We parked in the lot where Party Hardy use to be and walked across Railroad Avenue.
Boris The Barber,
Kids Haircuts,
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Eggs And Milk On Sale
There were some great coupons for King Kullen in Newsday today. 99 cents for a dozen large eggs and 99 cent for a 1/2 gallon of milk with an additional purchase of $25. Valid 5/12 - 5/14. King Kullen is in The Bayport Bubble. Other stores are cheaper, but I always end up at King Kullen.
Blue Point,
King Kullen,
The Bayport Bubble
Why Not Make A Career Of Doing What You Love?
I did it last night - went to the Bayport Post Office and mailed my tuition to The New York Institute of Photography! Don't tell the hubby! I really researched it and as far as I can tell - it does not seem like a scam. It is a correspondence school and a lot of them I looked into are scams. But NYI has 30 lessons and each unit has photo projects. You mail your photo projects to your own personal advisor who critiques it on a CD that gets mailed to your house. It covers every aspects of photography.
From my research on this school online I could not find anyone who was unhappy with it. It covers all aspects of photography. One blogger's advisor was actually a lady who worked under Ansel Adams! Also it's the only school the magazine Popular Photography recommends. If you sign up to get their info wait a few months cause their first offer is not their best. They also send some bells and whistle stuff - like a NYI Press Pass that I sure will give me access to The President.
I will try to keep you updated with my progress with the school. I am doing it as a refresher for me because I really want to do something with photography and always have since I took my first photo with my Mom's camera with the 126 film and flash cube! I joined the photography club in the 6th grade, took classes and in high school and college and even worked at a photo studio. Here's their web site NYIP.Com
From my research on this school online I could not find anyone who was unhappy with it. It covers all aspects of photography. One blogger's advisor was actually a lady who worked under Ansel Adams! Also it's the only school the magazine Popular Photography recommends. If you sign up to get their info wait a few months cause their first offer is not their best. They also send some bells and whistle stuff - like a NYI Press Pass that I sure will give me access to The President.
I will try to keep you updated with my progress with the school. I am doing it as a refresher for me because I really want to do something with photography and always have since I took my first photo with my Mom's camera with the 126 film and flash cube! I joined the photography club in the 6th grade, took classes and in high school and college and even worked at a photo studio. Here's their web site NYIP.Com
New York Institute of Photography,
Monday, May 11, 2009
Sylvan Avenue Burger King Day
Monday, May 11th from Noon to 8 pm at Burger King on Montuak Highway in Blue Point is having a Sylvan Avenue Elementary School Day. The Sylvan Avenue School PTA will receive 20% of all orders on eating in, taking out and driving thru.
I Love The Smell Of Two Cycle Oil In The Morning
I really do love that smell and Ultimate Lawn Care & Sprinkler gives it to me on Friday mornings when they do my lawn. Ultimate Lawn Care & Sprinkler has been keeping The Bayport Bubble beautiful for 15 years! For any landscaping need you have in The Bayport, Blue Point, Sayville area call them for a free estimate at 631-472-6363. They do weekly lawn maintenance, clean ups, thatching and aeration.
Ultimate Lawn Care & Sprinkler also has the sprinkler part - from new sprinkler installations, adding a zone, repairs, turn ons and blow outs. For sprinklers they will go outside The Bayport Bubble to anyplace in Suffolk County. Ultimate Lawn Care & Sprinkler is fully licensed and insured according to all the latest regulations of Suffolk County. They are reliable and courteous. Call Ultimate Lawn Care & Sprinkler at 631-472-6363.
Ultimate Lawn Care & Sprinkler also has the sprinkler part - from new sprinkler installations, adding a zone, repairs, turn ons and blow outs. For sprinklers they will go outside The Bayport Bubble to anyplace in Suffolk County. Ultimate Lawn Care & Sprinkler is fully licensed and insured according to all the latest regulations of Suffolk County. They are reliable and courteous. Call Ultimate Lawn Care & Sprinkler at 631-472-6363.
Sunday, May 10, 2009
All The Games You Want For Free
Something new at The Bayport Blue Point Library is they now have video games you can take out for The Wii, XBox 360 and Playstation 3. It is so great! There is not a big selection yet, but they are building it. It is a good way to test drive a game before you shell out $50 for a game that once you get home - you find out you do not like. You are able to keep the game for two days and after that it can be renewed for another two days - which you can easily do at their web site
Make sure you return it because you will get charges a $1 per day it's late. Also you must be 18 or have parental consent to take video games out.
Make sure you return it because you will get charges a $1 per day it's late. Also you must be 18 or have parental consent to take video games out.
Happy Mother's Day From The Bayport Bubble
It's Mother's Day in the Bayport Bubble! Beautiful sunny day but windy. The town was busy yesterday with everyone doing their last minute shopping at CVS, Bayport Flowers and Daisy Gardens. Have a great day Moms! =)
Bayport Bubble,
Mother's Day,
The Bayport Bubble
Friday, May 8, 2009
The Beginning Of The Bayport Bubble
The land that is now Bayport, in the southeast corner of Islip Town, was part of Brookhaven Town between 1666 and 1697. That year, William Nicoll, the Islip Town founder, who had made his first land purchases from the Secatogue Indians four years earlier, added the future Bayport to his holdings. After the Revolution, William Nicoll IV, seeking money to pay debts, sold off what would be about two-thirds of southern Bayport to Jeremiah Terry and Gersham Hawkins. The Bayport Heritage Association recognizes Dec. 16, 1786, the date of the Terry deed, as the hamlet's founding date.
Long Island,
Middle Road,
Suffolk County,
Town of Islip
Thursday, May 7, 2009
If It's Free, It's For Me - Baby And Kid Classes At The Library
Anything free that you can do with your kids is beyond terrific! I have been enrolling them in The Bayport-Blue Point Library Classes since they were babies. My son when he was five months old and my daughter when she was three months old. The classes start at three months and go all the up to teens. The classes are the same activities same that they do in The Mommy & Me classes that you have to pay for. And the big plus for me is that I get to meet other kids that will go to school with my kids. I also meet other moms, dads, grandparents and babysitters.
Since these classes are of no cost, when it is time to register you must get there at least 45 minutes before they open the doors. There is a Bayport Bubble Urban Legend that there is one guy gets there at 6:30am! I get there about 9:15am to stand in line till 9:45am to register for the classes I want. I know this turns a lot of people off, but for two months of classes that are about one hour each and free - I can stand in line for one hour. There is a lot of variety of classes - my son is very excited about The Space class coming up. Stand in line and have some fun with your kids!!! =)
Here's their website -
Since these classes are of no cost, when it is time to register you must get there at least 45 minutes before they open the doors. There is a Bayport Bubble Urban Legend that there is one guy gets there at 6:30am! I get there about 9:15am to stand in line till 9:45am to register for the classes I want. I know this turns a lot of people off, but for two months of classes that are about one hour each and free - I can stand in line for one hour. There is a lot of variety of classes - my son is very excited about The Space class coming up. Stand in line and have some fun with your kids!!! =)
Here's their website -
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Do You Think You Can Dance? Doesn't Matter With Zumba
I have been taking Zumba Classes at The Henrietta Acampora Recreation Center in Blue Point for the past month and just signed up for another month. I love Zumba!!! It is one of the best work outs I have ever gotten - not that I work out that much. The class is done by Bobbi Ann and she is a great instructor. She keeps your energy up and she has lots of fun. My body feels so good and that feeling lasts even a few days after! Check out her web site ZumbaWithBobbiAnn.Com
Zumba combines dancing, aerobics and some funky moves. Don't worry if you cannot dance or are not coordinated - like me - Bobbi Ann is very easy to follow and gets you moving. You are going to burn up to 500 calories in one class and I believe it. The classes are on Friday nights and costs $30 for four - one hour sessions. ZUMBA!!!
Zumba combines dancing, aerobics and some funky moves. Don't worry if you cannot dance or are not coordinated - like me - Bobbi Ann is very easy to follow and gets you moving. You are going to burn up to 500 calories in one class and I believe it. The classes are on Friday nights and costs $30 for four - one hour sessions. ZUMBA!!!
Acampora Rec Center,
Blue Point,
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