Send your kids to camp while you lay on the ocean! Laura Beggins started Miss Beggins's Beach Bum Camp at Davis Park on Fire Island. What a great idea! It keeps the kids occupied for a few hours so you can take a nap on the ocean - one of my favorite things to do.
We vacationed at a beach house at Davis Park last week and I signed my kids up for one day of camp. It was nice to get a two hour break and the kids had a blast playing with other kids. They went for a nature walk on the ocean, painted rocks and shells, played paddle ball and did a puzzle. Miss Beggins is a certified teacher and has an assistant helping her. The day my kids went, there was five children and two adults.
Beach Bum camp is held by the helicopter landing pad behind The Casino. Miss Beggins sets up a tent with tables. If it rains camp is moved to the church. She asks that the children wear their bathing suits, bring water and a snack. Camp is held Monday, Thursday and Friday. Younger kids 4-8 year olds are from 10am-noon and 9-11 year olds are noon to 2pm. Cost is $10 per kid - per hour.
Whether you are staying on your boat, at a house or just there for the day - give yourself a mini-vacation and send the kids to Miss Beggins's Beach Bum Camp. MissBeggins.Com 631-514-5243 LaurenBeggins@gmail.com