Thursday, May 7, 2009

If It's Free, It's For Me - Baby And Kid Classes At The Library

Anything free that you can do with your kids is beyond terrific! I have been enrolling them in The Bayport-Blue Point Library Classes since they were babies. My son when he was five months old and my daughter when she was three months old. The classes start at three months and go all the up to teens. The classes are the same activities same that they do in The Mommy & Me classes that you have to pay for. And the big plus for me is that I get to meet other kids that will go to school with my kids. I also meet other moms, dads, grandparents and babysitters.

Since these classes are of no cost, when it is time to register you must get there at least 45 minutes before they open the doors. There is a Bayport Bubble Urban Legend that there is one guy gets there at 6:30am! I get there about 9:15am to stand in line till 9:45am to register for the classes I want. I know this turns a lot of people off, but for two months of classes that are about one hour each and free - I can stand in line for one hour. There is a lot of variety of classes - my son is very excited about The Space class coming up. Stand in line and have some fun with your kids!!! =)

Here's their website -