Give a child anything and they will make artwork out of it. Like yogurt on a table with a spoon! Looking for something easy, quick, fun and free to do with your kids this long Columbus Day weekend? Release for their inner Picasso with Kidsday.
Kidsday is the section of Newsday that is dedicated to children. It's a fun little column that has been around for 31 years. Kidsday illustrates their column with drawings it gathers from the children of Long Island in their annual art contest.
It does not matter how old you are or what your skill level is - they want all kids ages 16 and younger to enter. Children compete within their own age group. There are seven categories for the theme of your child's drawing - Animals, Cartoons, Computer Assisted, Getting Along, Music, Portraits and Sports. The winner of each category will be featured in the Sunday, December 27th issue of Newsday. Even if you don't win, there is still a chance that your artwork will be in a future edition of Kidsday throughout the year. And there is a chance to win a Kidsday T-shirt.
Create a masterpiece for Kidsday! The deadline is Friday, October 23, 2009.
Here are the rules -
* Kids through age 16 may enter.
* Entries must be postmarked by Friday, October 23rd. Each drawing must include your name, age, address, phone number, T-shirt size and category.
* Drawings must be done in a black felt tipped pen or ink. You can color in your drawings.
* Enter as many categories and drawings as you like, but make sure to label each one with your info and category.
* Make your drawings on white, unlined 8 1/2 by 11 inch paper. No drawings larger then this will be accepted.
* All drawings must be original - no copying of any kind is accepted.
* In each category, prizes of Kidsday T-shirts will be awarded in these four age groups - 0 to age 6, ages 7 to 9, ages 10 to 12, ages 13 to 16.
* Artwork will not be returned.
Mail drawings to -
Kidsday Art Contest
Kidsday Newsday
235 Pinelawn Road
Melville, NY 11747-4250